Drums by Five
A Quintuplet Method for Drum Set
This book covers the - up-and-coming - rhythmic field of quintuplets and
their application on drums. Different chapters like ///// Warm-Up ///// Basic Patterns ///// Coordination Systems ///// Reading text ///// Loops / Metric modulation ///// Rudiments show you concepts how to get inspired and improve your skills by applying quintuplets in different settings. Advanced drummers who are searching for a new challenge, will enjoy working with this book´s concepts - which can be adapted to enrich your playing, regardless of which technique you use or what kind of music you play. Price: Only 22,00€ for 64 demanding pages plus the complete "Q loops" album! |
ORDER BOOK HERE!This book is available worldwide.
Please use the BoD-Onlineshop for international orders. Thanks for your support! It´s also available @ Klangfarbe Wien.
Reviews"Discover the wonders of quinuplet phrasing using this informative and challening book.
Drummers looking for some advanced-level challenges will have a taxing but rewarding time with this book focusing on application of the quintuplet in rhythmic language. The warm-up suggestions alone are enough to open up the way you think about your pre-gig ritual or just getting your hands loose, especially when the author suggests accenting different notes in the groupings. The meat here, though, is the focus on five-notes phrases and how to make them sound good in the music you´re playing. (...) When you feel like you´re getting the hang of things , Bründlmayer introduces "Wilcoxonish Quintuplet Rudimental Etudes", offering, "Here´s some harder stuff to work on." Also included are some Bill Stewart and Marcus Gilmore transcriptions to see how jazz greats employ fives on record. Use this book to move beyond the beyond." ///// Ilya Stemkovsky, Modern Drummer Magazine, august 2018 "As the name may imply, "Drums by Five" is a remarkable and sophisticated method focusing on quintuplet studies. Besides numerous helpful exercises to develop a "feel" for this not so common rhythmic grid it also showcases interesting ideas on how to put the material into a musical context - which is usually the crucial aspect when it comes to applying advanced ideas. The loops / downloads also help to develop your musical imagination and strengthen your sense for time, rhythm and pulse. Definitely worth checking out!" ///// Claus Hessler Drummer | Author | Int. Clinician | www.claushessler.com "As many people know, as a drumteacher I frequently make use of the books "Stick Control" by George Lawrence Stone and "Syncopation" by Ted Reed. Times change, even in music, grooveplaying becomes more and more advanced! It was about time for a supplement. And there it was…”Drums by Five” The new book by Hubert Bründlmayer. Do you want to improve ....? Buy and practice!" ///// René Creemers "Es gibt viele Gründe, sich mit Quintolen zu beschäftigen - etwa weil die Auseinan- dersetzung mit Quintolen musikalisch und spieltechnisch von ausgetretenen Pfaden wegführt. Bründlmayer spricht nicht den Einsteiger, sondern den fort-geschrittenen Schlagzeuger an, der sich bereits mit Literatur wie Gary Chesters "The New Breed" u.Ä. befasst hat. (...)" ///// Drums und Percussion - Magazin; Ausgabe Mai/Juni 2018 " (…) Das Werk soll kein Almanach sein, sondern kurz und präzise verschiedene Ansätze präsentieren, die man dann selbst kreativ verarbeitet. So gibt es neben Aufwärmübungen, Grundfiguren, Lesesystemen à la Gary Chesters "New Breed" auch Spielereien mit Licks, Grooves, Rudiments und Etüden. Wirklich gut ist, dass der knappe Inhalt in Text und Noten durchgehend den Kern trifft. Es liegt allein an einem selbst aktiv zu werden und sich der ungewohnten Materie anzunehmen. (…)" ///// Jörg Baier in DRUMHEADS!! 1/2015 (über 1. Ausgabe, gekürzt) Additional applications for the book...If you have new ideas/systems please contact me.
I can publish your way of using the book here, if you want.
Playalong-album "Q-loops"Use the player below or click the link to get the accompanying loop-album.
Here's a video from the practice-room... I'm playing Warm-UP 2B in combination with foot ostinato B4. Quintuplets in singles, doubles and groups of 3 and 4. And a little variation on the second run... |